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Edit a Word document
02/04/21 09:44


Replies: 1

Good morning, I'm trying to edit a doc or docx document using Genexus. I need to add text and images to an existing document, but all the tools I found are only for java, moreover WordDocument data type is deprecated in gen15 and next. I tried with gen3U15 in a win project, when I click the button I have no errors but nothing happens. Reading from the wiki I think that WordDocument is only for java? Why this? Can I find another way to manage doc?
&sourcePath = "C:/ESTRATTI/Test1.doc"
&sourceTarget = "C:/ESTRATTI/Test2.doc"
&WordDocument.Template = &sourcePath
&errore = &WordDocument.ErrDescription
Nicola Pilli
Sviluppo Software
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05/04/21 09:04
Nicola, Try this, &sourcePath = "C:\ESTRATTI\Test1.doc" &WordDocument.Open( &sourcePath ) &errore = &WordDocument.ErrDescription &WordDocument.Replace("#RAG#","RTS") &WordDocument.Save() &WordDocument.Close() I 'm assuming that you are running in Windows environment, Do you have Office installed ? Miguel On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 10:19 PM Nicola Pilli

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